
How To Survive At Home With A Toddler

How To Survive At Home With A Toddler

(16 customer reviews)


When you sign up today you will get:

6 exciting, easy to understand and eye-opening modules that will transform your parenting journey forever!

1. Development of a 2-year-old – in easy words, we will explain what happens in your child’s body and brain

2. How to support your child’s development- will give you hands-on examples of what to do and how to do it, to meet your child’s needs

3. Why does my child misbehave- we will break down all the most common reasons for your child’s misbehaviours and give you ready to use solutions

4. How to talk to your child: a step-by-step instructions what to say and how to say it, so your child will listen!

5. How to deal with tantrums- a ready to go, tried and tested step-by-step guide of how to deal with a tantrum

6. Discipline- why do time-outs don’t work? What to do to transform your child’s behaviour- all discipline questions answered!

  • 10 most common parenting mistakes and how to fix them
  • 10 best parenting hacks
Handy printables:
* calming colouring pages for parentskids 160168 640 How To Survive At Home With A Toddler
*cool down ideas for parents
* emotional flash cards
* development areas puzzles
*sample toddler routine
* screen time limits by age
* toddlers basic needs checklist
* daily actions flash cards


16 reviews for How To Survive At Home With A Toddler

  1. Donna O’Brian

    5 out of 5

    I was in shock
    My little girl was always going after the cat. And no matter what I was saying to her she was pulling the cats tail and was very rough with him. It was going on for a long time and every time when I corrected her she would shout ‘no!’ and either run off or try to get the cat again. Then I’ve tried the positive hack and to my real surprise she listened!. She started repeating after me: gently, gentle hands, nice stroking and if she started to be a bit too rough again- one look would bring her back to the gentle hands! I couldn’t believe it!
    Donna O’Brian – director

  2. Alicja Kowalska

    5 out of 5

    It worked!
    My daughter is a very strong willed individual. Every time when I correct her she gets upset. She likes things done her way and if I don’t let her do what she wants she starts crying. It was like walking on eggshells, I was trying to do anything to avoid the tantrums, but I didn’t want to give in to all her demands!
    When I started using the techniques from the positive parenting guide, I’ve noticed a huge change! I was sceptical at first as I thought that my daughter will not fall for the tricks but she did!
    Alicja Kowalska Office Management

  3. Paulina McLean

    5 out of 5

    I was mortified to go to public places!
    I would love to bring my child to restaurants, shops, to visit my friends and play with other children but I was so terrified what would the others think of me as a mother. I love my children so much, but it seems like everyone else’s kids are better behaved. I would love to be able to be in control and know how to react to my kids inappropriate behaviors especially in public places. Sometimes I would get a look or a comment from other people and I just wanted to disappear. After trying the methods and easy steps offered in this program, I can finally enjoy all the outings with my kids. I feel so much better about myself I feel like I got my life back.
    Paulina McLean Public Servant

  4. Anne Hughes

    5 out of 5

    This course was great. It really helped me and my family and i feel so much more in control now. The steps are so easy to follow and they work! I would highly recommend to anyone who struggles at home with their kids

  5. Sabine

    5 out of 5

    Great ideas and most of them worked for my kids age 3 and 5!

  6. Butterfly

    5 out of 5

    I’ve often felt a little lost navigating my parenting journey… hearing what not to do but not really sure what to do during my childs emotional outburst. This course lays it out clearly with examples and steps easy to follow.

  7. Kerri

    5 out of 5

    It has done a good job of keeping me engaged and wanting me to learn more as the lessons progress. Using the techniques mentioned helped me to deal with my childs behaviour better which was great, especially with how the panademic has been affecting our lives right now.

  8. Rachel

    5 out of 5

    I care so much about my children’s emotional wellbeing and at times it is so overwhelming. I had no clue how to help them to deal with their own emotions. Also it is very important for me and my partner to be on the same page if comes to parenting our children. This course helped me and my partner to deal with our children emotions in a better way and we got more confidence in our believes if comes to growing our children.

  9. Deborah

    5 out of 5

    Lessons are short so you can sneak a bit whenever you have time. It helped me to deal with my Childs tantrums and this is what i expected buying the course…. so I am happy!

  10. Richard

    5 out of 5

    I’ve only completed maybe 40 percent of the course and I feel like I already understand not only my child’s emotional feelings but mine too as well!

  11. Pooja

    5 out of 5

    Me and my partner are doing it together. Simple to use and easy instructions to follow. I wish the program was longer. I could use it for every stage of parenting. I am so grateful i stumbled across it!

  12. Jennifer

    5 out of 5

    Just started using it, easy to use, already seeing some good effects 🙂

  13. Sam

    5 out of 5

    Very educational. Info broken into easy videos. Great eye opener. I recommend to parents everywhere. Pity parenting isn’t in school curriculum!

  14. Amelia

    5 out of 5

    It’s an absolute game changer. I recommend it to everyone i know – parents, grandparents, preeschool teachers and YOU! If you struggle at home with your child having tantrums – it will help you to avoid them and deal with them much better! It helped me!

  15. Elizabeth

    5 out of 5

    Thank you so much for providing this course. I am very grateful although too late for my own sons, will help with grandchildren and our great grandchildren. Wished i had known some of this years ago but i suppose better late than never!

  16. Grzegorz Sienicki

    5 out of 5

    ELIZABETH: Thank you so much for providing this course. I am very grateful although too late for my own sons will help with grandchildren and our great-grandchildren. Wished I had known some of this year ago but I suppose it better late than never!

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